What is website and web page? | Difference Between Website and Web Page

Websites and web pages are relevant to each other but not the same. In daily life, you will visit many websites such as Google, Facebook, Youtube, etc. You are currently also visiting a website for knowledge. If you don't know what is website then don't worry.
In this article, you will learn about the websites and web pages. You will also the difference between them. Before starting this article we request you to subscribe to us by email to get all the latest updates of our site.


A website is a collection of all web pages, images, documents, and other content. All these are interlinked and connect to each other. A website provides a way to visit these pages, images, documents, etc. The URL(Uniform Resource Locator) of the home page of a website serves as the Website.
For example:
Edu Full Blog is a website. Its web address is https://edufull.blogspot.com.

Web Page

Each document on the Website, which may contain only text or a combination of text, graph, pictures, videos, etc. is called a Web page or page of the Website. A Web page is a single unit of information. A Web page is stored on a web server that has a URL(Uniform Resource Locator), by which it can be accessed by the user.
For example:
You are currently visiting a Web page of the Web site https://edufull.blogspot.com.
The page address looks like this https://edufull.blogspot.com/p/sitemap_28.html.

Home Page

Home is the first page and the screen of a Website. Generally, it is also known as the Start Page of the Website. This page contains an index and linked text, images and graphics related to the Website. From the Home Page, users can explore the Website.

Difference between Website and Web page

The difference between a Website and a Web page is that the Website is the collection of all Web pages displayable by the browsers whereas Web page is a single document of a Website. Websites have a unique URL but Web Page URL starts with Website URL.

Difference between Homepage and Web page

A Homepage is the front page of the Website. It is displayed when the Website is opened. It is the default page of a Website. Whereas the Web page is a document of a Website. It is the part of the Website displayed when the user wants to visit.

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